
Space 1889: After - 5e / Empyrean Steampunk RPG

Created by Strange Owl Games

Steampunk Roleplaying Adventures with Rules for Space Exploration & Combat

Latest Updates from Our Project:

July Update!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 04:28:03 PM

Hello, all!

Hope those of you in the US had a relaxing holiday weekend. We just wanted to let you know the 5e edits and layout are complete! We will be uploading it to BackerKit tomorrow, so watch your email for that.

We appreciate your patience as we worked out the final edits and hope you agree it was worth the extra effort.

Going forward, we'll be doing a final update with minor grammatical/punctuation/cross reference type edits to both versions before we send them (and the cards) for print to get proofs made.  We are also receiving text for the stretch goal adventures, which will promptly go to editing and layout.

In August, we will send out a notification approximately 2 weeks before we lock BackerKit, at which time you'll be charged for any add-ons you purchased from the store.  We also plan to get our proofs in during this time, and will share pictures and updates as those come in!

Assuming all goes smoothly, we will be sending everything to DriveThru for print in September!

Thanks again for all your support,

Strange Owl Games

May Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 31, 2023 at 01:16:18 PM

Greetings Space 1889: After fans!

It’s time for our monthly project update. First, a brief clarification. We at Strange Owl Games love to stay in touch with you—our supporters and fans—but we don’t want to inundate you with emails. Our policy is to provide a general update on the status of the project once per month, and send additional updates only when we have additional news to share.

On to this month’s update!

Obviously, the Star Galleon in orbit is the 5e PDF... Where is it? While much progress has been made, it is not quite ready for your hands yet. We at Strange Owl Games believe in transparency, so let us take a moment to explain.

As previously mentioned, some emergency medical issues slowed down our layout person. Due to some of the comments we received, we’d like to explain further. Strange Owl Games is a small company—with three full-time employees and several freelancers. When we gave our initial timeline for the PDF releases, we could not have anticipated something like this occurring. We are learning to plan for the unexpected and will bake in more wiggle room into future timelines for the Campaign Kickstarter.

Additionally, the 5e conversion is taking longer than we originally anticipated. While the draft rules our freelancer produced are great, our editor had some questions the developer and writer had to work through and rewrite for rules clarification and ease of reading. We also incorporated feedback from backers who reached out to us about the draft rules. This is a good thing! It is taking more time than we thought, but the final product will be better for it.

Currently, we have three chapters remaining to update in the 5e book (Traversing the Unknown is in Layout, and Etiquette for the Referee and the Adventures are going through the final editing pass. We also have a couple of questions and stat blocks back in the developer’s hands for clarification).

Once we get these final chapters completed, we’ll post an update to let you know! At that point, we at Strange Owl Games will give it another pass, make sure the side bars point to the correct sections, and send out the PDF through BackerKit. We’ll also make a couple of minor updates to the Empyrean edition.

Once that is complete, we’ll give everyone two weeks’ notice that we are ready to lock BackerKit. Then, we’ll send the final PDFs to DriveThru to get the initial print proofs (which we’ll share images of in another update!) and make sure there are no last-minute changes to be made before we submit the final print and ship orders on the books and the decks.


  • Editing and layout is approaching completion for the 5e edition. Extra time was needed to ensure the draft rules were completely integrated into the text.
  • Once we release the 5e PDF, we’ll update the Empyrean PDF and send an email to let you know you have two weeks to complete your order before we lock the project.
  • Once the project is locked, we’ll send the files to DriveThruRPG for print proofs!

In further news, the Stretch Goal adventures are coming in and our artist is starting on the deck plans.

As always, thank you for your support and patience,

Strange Owl Games

Empyrean Edition PDF & Other News
over 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 07:59:04 PM

Hey Everyone,

We received the news from our layout person that the Empyrean edition is out of editing and layout and the pdf will be in our hands as soon as it compiles! From there we will upload it to BackerKit and share that with everyone who backed it. The layout person said that the 5e pdf is well through the process as well.

Once both pdfs are out, we will look at locking the BackerKit (which means these are the last couple of weeks you can add anything to your order). Once we lock the orders, we can send the files off to the printer! Once that step is complete, we will continue working on the rest of the stretch goals. Speaking of which, we also received the draft of Darrell's Dire Engines of Aethra. And we commissioned a new campaign book for Space 1889, spinning out of the adventures at the end of the core book.

We have a lot of Space 1889 After goodness on the horizon, as well as another project lurking in the wings. We'll share more about that one we have the final pdfs in your hands!

Thank you for your support and patience.

Strange Owl Games

End of March Update
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 12:07:44 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Surveys and Files
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 01:01:29 PM

Hello everyone,  

We and BackerKit have spent some time attempting to provide solutions for the distribution of the files.

For those of you who cannot see the files, if you follow this link, it will take you to BackerKit. If you have completed your survey, you should be able to see the digital files.  If you have not completed your survey, this link gives you that opportunity. When you log in, make sure you use the email address associated with your Kickstarter account.   

If you cannot log into BackerKit, you need to contact their support team – here - to get help accessing your login information. 

Finally, the only files you will see at this time are the 5e Draft rules (if you backed a 5e version of the game) and the Empyrean Order Deck. If you are looking for the Empyrean Draft Rules, please see Update 16 – Resumption for that link.  Thank you for your patience as we navigate these issues.  

Strange Owl Games