
Space 1889: After - 5e / Empyrean Steampunk RPG

Created by Strange Owl Games

Steampunk Roleplaying Adventures with Rules for Space Exploration & Combat

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 6 - Hurdling Past Luna
about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 12:50:48 PM

“The world is a possibility if only you'll discover it.”
― Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

We’ve unlocked another stretch goal—an adventure written by gaming luminary Timothy Brown! All backers for both editions will receive this PDF adventure.

As we move closer to unlocking gorgeous ship plans from Bob Crum, we also wanted to show off a draft version of the digital custom Order deck, also by Bob Crum.

Initiative Order in the Space 1889: After Empyrean system uses Order cards. At the start of each exchange, each “Principle” (PCs and important NPCs) draws a hand of 5 Orders.

Each Principle plays one Order card per round to determine their initiative order. Lower numbers go first, but there are two twists. Playing a 15 or less means that the character moves so fast a Risk may occur. Playing a 41 or higher is considered a Power Order, which allows the character to do something unique to their species or allows an NPC to use a cool ability (such as firing the Death Ray on the Phaeton Death Machine). Because the Power Order comes last in the Initiative Order, everyone has a chance to react to the Order before it goes off.

We are also announcing our next stretch goal!

When we hit $27,500, we’ll include another Space 1889: After PDF adventure. We are working out the details and will share more soon!

Thanks for your continued support,

Strange Owl Games

Order Deck and New Stretch Goals
about 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 11:55:34 AM

“It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it. ”
― Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Astounding! Not only did our Kickstarter fully fund two days ago, but we blitzed past the first stretch goal and are well on our way to the next! Bob is hard at work getting our proofs together for the custom Order deck. Today, we announce not one, but two new stretch goals!

The next stretch goal, at $22,500, is an all-new adventure for Space 1889: After written by GDW alum and Dark Suncreator, Timothy Brian Brown.

At $25,000, we’ll commission ether ship deck plans for the core book from Bob Crum.

Thank you to all our backers and supporters. We look forward to making the best version of Space 1889: After we can with your support!

Strange Owl Games

Update 4 – Ether Engines Engaged!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 02:07:32 PM

“It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

We are fully funded!

Thank you all for your support on this project. We are excited to get Space 1889: After out into the world, starting with putting it in your hands!

The Kickstarter is not over yet, though… Next week, we’ll have previews for both the 5e and Empyrean systems. And we have several stretch goals planned, the first of which is the custom order deck for the Empyrean system. Bob is working on sketches so we can show them off as we get closer to the goal.

We have updated the Kickstarter page with an international backer tier and new information on shipping!

There are new adventures just beyond the horizon…

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US celebrating today!

Strange Owl Games

Update 3 – All Aboard!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 06:49:46 PM

“Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.”

Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days

Greetings, all! Thank you so much for an amazing weekend!

As we close in on the 11K threshold, we wanted to let you in on several bits of exciting news.

1.) The Empyrean Edition PDF layout is 85% complete. After the Kickstarter funds post, expect a draft copy of the text in your inboxes in late December, early January. 5e Edition backers will also receive adraft copy around the same time. We’d love to do a final tribal edit, so if you find errors or need clarifications, we will have a place to submit them!

2.) We have been running a playtest on our Patreon since August, and we plan to show off some of that material here in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned to your updates for these previews!

3.) Because so many of you asked for a preview of the Empyrean Edition, we decided to partner with Iconic Production to run a preview on their channel for the next three weeks. Their livestream is on Tuesday from 7:30pm – 9:00pm Central, and they post the video to YouTube afterward for those who cannot watch live. The players will create their characters during the livestream on 11/22.

4.) Several of you have asked about international shipping. As we currently expect DrivethruRPG to handle our print-on-demand, we’ve listed their estimated shipping costs by region below:

  • Australia - $25
  • Canada (Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory) - $27
  • Germany - $10 + VAT
  • Mexico - $20
  • UK - $9

(DriveThru does not ship to several provinces in Canada, so we are looking into other options.)

If you’d like to ship to one of these countries, please adjust your pledge by the above amount. We will charge exact shipping (including shipping costs for any add-ons) in BackerKit based on these estimates.

5.) We are already looking at our first stretch goal and plan to have our artist—Bob Crum—create a preview of the Order Deck for release as soon as we hit 20,000!

Thank you again for all your continued help and support!

Strange Owl Games

Update 2 – Mars Awaits
about 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 01:22:44 AM

“Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no need of change.”

~ H.G. Wells, The Time Machine

Greetings, Empyrean Society members. We just surpassed one-third of our goal! Thank you all for your support… we are on our way into the ether.

We are excited to offer this backer-requested addition to the campaign—the Martian Reinforcement Tier, which grants you both PDFs and both physical books! This tier is $130 + shipping. Note: If you’ve already backed at the Empyrean Society Tier and want to add both physical books, please shoot us a message and we can increase your pledge by the appropriate amount ($90 + $18 US shipping) to add them in BackerKit!

Thank you again for all your comments, messages, and support!

Strange Owl Games