Over the Horizon
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 09:26:20 AM
Well, the craziness of the OGL seems to be behind us. As you may have noticed, Strange Owl is licensing Space 1889: After from Ulisses Spiele. There were a couple of moving pieces that needed to come to rest before we could make an update, but here it is.
Everything is rolling out without additional interruption! The surveys will come out here shortly and we are on track to getting the PDFs out in March, as anticipated.
Our 5e designer just turned in a draft of the 5e sections of the rules. Once we have had a chance to review them, we will be pushing them out to the 5e backers. We hope you have had a chance to look at the Empyrean edition and get up to speed on the setting material!
Again, thank you for your patience. We did not stop working on the 5e conversion of the rules while the OGL changes were being debated, so we did not lose any steam on this project. We look forward to getting the final Empyrean edition laid out and hearing back on the 5e conversions once we get that draft out to backers.
Strange Owl Games.
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 01:27:00 PM
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here at the start of the new year! We have several updates for you…
First, we are still waiting to finalize our surveys and BackerKit until we hear something definitive on OGL. This is more to ensure we don’t need to do a second survey or radically change the nature of the BackerKit than anything else. We remain committed to delivering all the products we funded with this Kickstarter!
Second, we decided to change our initial rollout, due to all the hiccups and uncertainty with the current state of the OGL. Initially, we planned to send out two different PDFs: the complete Empyrean edition draft and the OGL version setting draft. Instead, we will send the Empyrean edition to all Space 1889: After Kickstarter backers. You can find the link to the draft here. This way, everyone gets the setting information, and those of you who did not back the Empyrean edition get a draft peek at the other ruleset. This is the draft only. The final is still in editing and layout, and this version lacks some of the great art pieces we commissioned. If you have any questions or editing comments, send us an email at strangeowlgames@gmail.com. Also, for those of you who asked about changing your pledge from the OGL version to the Empyrean version, we are looking into that possibility.
Finally, we are in the process of switching over our Patreon to start the previews and playtests of our next game, Amboria: Roleplaying in the World Under Starlight. If you’d like to be part of the playtest, it starts at the end of this month! Head here to check it out!
As always, thank you all for your support of Strange Owl Games, Space 1889: After, and gaming! We cannot wait to get this game out to you all!
Strange Owl Games
A Transmission Interference
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 12:58:01 PM
Our plan was to send out the backer surveys today. We've decided to push them to next week so we have time to fully evaluate the pending licensing changes in our industry. Of course, we’re committed to completely fulfilling all our KS obligations, but please bear with us as we sort out some of the details.
Strange Owl Games
What's Next?
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 02:18:16 PM
And that's a wrap! I know we've said it time and again but THANK YOU for your support of Strange Owl Games and Space 1889: After!
So, what happens now?
Well, we at Strange Owl Games are going to take a much-needed rest and spend some time with our families over the holidays while we wait for Kickstarter to finalize everything on their end and release the project funds. This typically takes about two weeks. Once that happens, we'll share the draft Empyrean edition documents with the Empyrean backers, and the draft setting documents with the 5e backers. The draft 5e rules (which are being refined as we write) will follow as they are completed for those backers to review, as well.
We're working on setting up a feedback system and would love for you to submit any errors or questions you discover as you read through these final drafts. Meanwhile, we are finishing up the layout and inserting new art. We are on track to submit final pdfs to all our backers by March 2023, and then it is off to the printers!
Also, once those final Space 1889: After PDFs go out, we will launch our next Kickstarter – Amboria: Adventuring in the World Under Starlight. If you are interested in participating in the playtest for Amboria, come join our Patreon! The playtest packets for Amboria will be available in January 2023!
Additionally, some of you have asked for a place to discuss Space 1889: After and Strange Owl Games. We have one! Here is the link to our discord server!
We appreciate your support and hope you have a blessed holiday season.
Strange Owl Games
Update 12 – Looking Toward the Edge
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 05:56:20 AM
“If his destiny be strange, it is also sublime.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
It is hard to believe we are here! The Dire Engines of Aethra by Darrell Hayhurst is a go and will be added to all backers’ digital rewards.
We still have J-M’s adventure to unlock at $45,000, with 1 hour to go!
Thank you all for helping us finish strong!
Strange Owl Games